Friday, February 13, 2009

Happy Hearts day to you may you have a good one

well to the days the day for lovers and soon to be lovers just as soon as the love bug gets them so thay say any way i wish you all a happy feb. 14 th 2009 may it be a good one. but for me to day its just a diffent day the same as it was yester day or well some what. well i wanted to show off the cute things i found to day so far its not much but its some thing.


Jill said...

I do love those vintage valentines. Corney, quirky, and fun!

Eileen said...

Vintage Valentines are my favorites! Thanks for sharing yours!!

Happy Valentine's Day!!


ShabbyInTheCity said...

They are extra cute!!!
Did you find your kids yet LOL?

Unknown said...

Oh, those vintage valentines are aDORable!!! I love them. Thanks for sharing and Happy Valentine's Day to you! :)

LADY JANE said...

Stopping in from Lasleys! Happy V-Day! Love your vintage valentines!

Anonymous said...

I love those wonderful Valentines! Thanks for sharing...
Please, come on over and leave a comment for my giveaway drawings!

Have a great Valentines Day!
Lots of Love your way!

rebecca ~ justgiddy

Anonymous said...

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I love the valentines, most especially the one with the yams! Thank you so much for participating!



Anonymous said...

Love your Vintage Valentine Images... Please visit me when time allows, as I posted alot myself for the Blog Party! I also have the frying pan with eggs Valentine... I printed it and glittered it for my Husband's card... LOL

♥ ~ HAPPY ~ ♥
♥ ~ DAY! ~ ♥


ShabbyInTheCity said...

I want to apologize Jenny. I didn't know when I read your blog name that you really were missing some children. I thought it was just a funny name you chose for your blog like some people do!
I pray that you will one day be able to have your children in your arms again safe and sound.

Jorgelina said...

Vintage Valentines are my favorites!
Happy Valentine's Day!